Best Antivirus Software 2022 Revealed

We have spent hundreds of hours testing and reviewing the companies on our site and come up, what we believe is the best antivirus software 2022. TotalAV is our choice. It’s a new security suite that hit the market in 2022 and has impressed us in every aspect, from support to scan times and performance.

Performance. Their scans were thorough and quick, we tested the removal of all thousand of threats that the likes of McAfee and Norton removed effectively and Total AV removed them all. We are confident that Total AV has performance and quality that matches the leading names in the business.

Support. TotalAV offer live chat with average connection times of under a minute, which is incredible! There’s no lengthy capture forms and the support representatives really know how to talk to their customers! Their FAQs and knowledge base sections are second to none, you really feel like you’re on a site that has been around for 20+ years and for a company to manage this in less than 6 months, I would love to know they’ll have achieved in a year.

To top if off Total AV have a unique way of managing additional features.  Most suites will include a lot of bonus tools that you will never use but you’re effectively forced to pay for them as they are included in the basic protection packages. These kind of features (password managers, cloud backup etc.) are added in to make the software look better value for money than it actually is and so you may initially think “Wow! That’s such a good deal” when in reality you won’t use them.

So how do Total AV manage their plans? To kick things off there is only one plan to choose from (most companies will offer 2 or 3 and again will just add in more features that are useless for people looking for a security suite and increase the cost) making it much more simple for you. You can then tailor your plan to exactly how you’d like with Total AV’s additional features.  They have listened to their target market and therefore don’t include gimmicky tools in their protection plan, only tools that are worth having i.e. real-time protection, cross platform and multiple device support (3 devices as standard), a firewall and a system booster.  You then decide if you want to pay extra for tools that you may or may not need!

Overall, TotalAV may be new to the market but it has matched and in some areas outshone and outperformed industry leading software that has been around for many years thats why they are our best antivirus software. The way they deal with their additional features is truly amazing and so we urge you to give them a go, you won’t regret it!