Do Android Smartphones Need Antivirus Protection?

Android devices new virus protection the same as computers need an antivirus.

For a long time we’ve been told it’s an unforgivable sin to not protect our computers and laptops with an antivirus suite. And quite rightly so – given how prolific viruses and malware have become in today’s world. But what about smartphones? And, in particular, the Android variety?

Should we be installing an Android antivirus app to secure our personal info and data from the clutches of cyber criminals? The issue of Android security is a somewhat double-edged sword, but there’s no getting around the fact that a reputable antivirus suite can bolster a smartphone’s shield and even optimize performance.

Some people will argue that today’s internationally popular Android devices don’t require safeguarding by antivirus since operating system/software updates are regularly issued to combat cyber criminals. To a degree, those people are right. Yes, Android is incredibly popular and, yes, frequent security patch updates – just like with computers – occur frequently.

While ‘more popular’ software usually means ‘more secure’, it’s just not so cut and dry. Cyber criminals have always targeted popular devices – and that trend continues today. The Android industry has a global market – with millions upon millions of users – and fraudsters, hackers and malware-lacing app developers are very aware of Android’s fast ascent.

So what can an Android antivirus service really do for your device? First and foremost, you’ll benefit from that comforting, forget-about-it peace of mind feeling – that someone’s got your back when you’re surfing, emailing, messaging, opening links/attachments, and installing/using new apps.

On the subject of installing new apps – some of which from the Play Store have been known to harbour malicious software like malware – this is a great reason to utilize Android antivirus. In addition, users can benefit from real-time/on-demand device and SD card virus scans, performance/battery life optimization, and remote device locating/locking.