How to Remove Malware from an iPhone

How to Remove Malware from an iPhone

Viruses, malware and snooping – it’s not just limited to desktop computers and laptops. These cyber snares are the bread and butter of modern era hackers, scammers and general no-gooders of the internet-verse. So it won’t come as any surprise that these snake-in-the-grass fraudsters also target another popular device: the iPhone.

A world-leader of the smartphone market, Apple’s iOS-based devices have a huge following. But, as with all IoT (Internet of Things) products, they can be compromised. It’s possible for malicious software – commonly malware – to inconspicuously leach itself onto a user’s iPhone through laced apps from the App Store, booby-trapped email links/attachments, among other methods.

If a malicious incident like this has occurred, users will typically notice unusual behaviours like Safari redirecting to unrequested websites, messages and emails sending without user knowledge, setting changes, among other oddities. So what should you do if you suspect your iPhone may have suffered a breach?

Though it’s possible to manually diagnose the problem yourself – for example, checking which app may be the root cause – it’s far easier to use an antivirus suite (if you have one installed). A top-of-the-line, widely used service will be able to quickly and comprehensively scan your entire iPhone, highlighting any dubious apps.

Next, proceed to uninstall the app/s and any others suspected of becoming infected. It’s sometimes worth performing a few extra tasks like restarting your iPhone, clearing Safari’s cache and restoring to a previous backup if you’re still experiencing issues. And – if all else fails and or you’re seeking ultimate peace of mind – restoring factory settings is your nuclear method.

Going forward, if you hadn’t already, it’s highly recommended that you install an iPhone antivirus suite. Top services can detect malware early courtesy of forget-about-it automatic scans, working silently in the background. Most offer speed and battery life optimization features, with some providers also offering identity theft protection tools.